
Pro Lawn Care in Plantation, FL – Save Water While Keeping Your Lawn Healthy and Strong

The U.S. population has greatly multiplied in the past two decades and our thirst for water is continuously increasing. With most states in the U.S., including Florida predicting water shortages by 2023, there might be a great need to conserve water in any way possible. One of the ways to achieve this is to place a restriction on outdoor waters, which only allows lawn watering at specific times. Water conservation is important because about 70 percent of household water is used for this purpose.

For homeowners in Plantation who derive pleasure in keeping their lawns healthy and strong, it can become extremely difficult to provide their lawn with the one-inch of water needed every week – let alone during the persistent temperate Florida summer.

When you decide to leave water sprinklers running ceaselessly or you manually water your lawn, you are not only wasting water but also over-feeding your grass. In addition to keeping your lawn in prime condition, any Plantation homeowner who is interested in saving water may need to invest in a proper irrigation system.

If your irrigation system is correctly installed and maintained, it will routinely provide your lawn with as much water as needed and will contribute to the conservation of precious fresh water. You can install a rain sensor (required by the building code), which switches off the system when it is raining. Some other irrigation systems have Smart controls that monitor the water level in the soil, the weather, etc, and regulate the sprinklers accordingly. An irrigation system will not only take the stress out of your lawn maintenance, but can also help to keep your property and our planet green, while you spend more time enjoying your yard.

Other Ways to Care for Your Lawn While You Also Save Water

Apart from having a good irrigation system, here are a few ways to care for your lawn while you also save water.

• Stop watering your driveway or sidewalk: Watering your concrete is just a waste of water. Make sure you adjust your sprinkler system so it only waters your grass. Trust me; this is going to save a lot of water.

• Water During the Right Time of Day: As a rule, you must avoid watering your lawn when the temperature is hot due to the higher evaporation loss that occurs. The morning usually offers a unique condition that is more favorable than any other time of day. You can water before 8 a.m. or at dusk for minimal wind and perfect air conditions. This way, you can avail every bit of water your sprinkler produces.

• Water your lawn only when necessary: Most homeowners over-water their lawns. This is extremely bad when it comes to conservation as well as for your lawn. Many diseases can plague your lawn in the process. How do you know when your lawn needs water? It is simple! If the grass blades begin to curl and the color is fading to brown or gray, it is a sign that you need to water.

• Remove Weeds: Weeds are notorious for extracting large amounts of moisture from the desirable grass. Consequently, it is important you remove all unwanted grasses as fast as they appear.

• Lawn Aeration: This is another maintenance aspect that should not be forgotten. It helps to reduce water runoff and to retain soil moisture.

Final thought

Your home is a big investment so it pays to leave your lawn care for experts to handle. If you are worried about water conversation while keeping your lawn nourished in Plantation Florida, kindly click here to schedule a free consultation.


Ten Best Tips for Good Lawn Care – Lawn Care Expert in Coral Springs, Florida shares advice

Most residents of Coral Springs, Florida can afford a beautiful home. So the only thing left is for homeowners to put a unique identity on their property, so it looks as desired, be it charming, posh, or elegant. One area of the home to focus on is the lawn.

Your lawn is the first part of your home that any visitor, neighbor, or a mere passerby will observe. This alone can speak of how dedicated you are to the welfare of your home.

Lawns are available in different shapes, forms, sizes, and types, with each having its unique style and character. Regardless of your choice, having a flourishing lawn or landscape in Coral Springs Florida can be difficult considering the tough grasses and the hot climate.

Whether in Coral Springs or any other city in Florida, the most essential step to a lush lawn or landscape is to understand how to maintain and care for your lawn in any climate condition.

This guide aims to offer you the necessary knowledge to creating inspiring lawn care. Bear in mind that the results will depend on what type of grass you have or intend to use.

1. Come Up with a Plan

The first step towards amazing lawn care is to have a plan. This will guide you as you consider various grass options. Once the plan is set, you will know the choices to make to care for your type of lawn, and can easily decide on the other areas of your lawn maintenance.

2. Choose the Plants and Flowers

Lawn care requires some cautions from plants and flowers that can harm the soil or choke another shrubbery. Therefore, make sure you choose one that suits the character you want your lawn to have. Of course, this depends greatly on your type of personality and landscape. While colorful flowers are best for individuals who prefer to keep it bright, bushy plants are ideal for people who desire some grass coverage. Alternatively, the yellow clovers or black medics may seem good to the eye, but their presence can affect the soil alkalinity and even result in the deficiency of other plants.

3. Plant your grass

Before planting any grass, research first on the best one that suits the weather condition of where you live in Coral Springs, Florida. Note that we have the warm season grasses that are good for southern plantings and the cold-season grasses that are perfect for the northern area.

4. Lawn Aeration

Inspect your lawn to see if aeration is needed. If the roots do not go deeper than 2 inches, it implies that your lawn needs to be aerated. Lawn aeration allows fresh air to the microbes under the soil. The best time to aerate your lawn in Coral Springs is during spring season when the rains are not over, and the soil is still moisturized. After aeration, you may need to apply sand or compost over the entire lawn.

5. Have the Right Chemistry

Most people often add lime or iron to the soil to realize the perfect chemistry for the lawn. Grass generally prefers acidic soil and sulfur helps to increase it. On the other hand, lime is perfect for bringing down the acidity. At this point, you may need to contact a lawn care expert in Coral Springs, Florida, to help test the acidity of your soil to know the proper option to take.

6. Use Fertilizer

Fertilization can be done either by organic or synthetic methods. The most important is to ensure that the soil is rich in nutrients. There are several chemicals out there, but the majority of them can disturb the ecosystem of your lawn. Compost is a good way to enrich the soil. For newly installed lawns, it is essential you fertilize periodically – at least biannual, in the autumn and the spring, and maybe add fertilizer in the summer. When the lawn has achieved the desired look, you can go back to your regular one-year fertilization schedule. You can use any of the specialized lawn spreaders available on the market today to make the fertilization process stress-free.

7. Watering

Watering provides your lawn with adequate moisture, especially during times of drought or heat. The best time to water your lawn is in the evening, but your lawn may need additional watering during the hot summer season and in arid climates. If possible, try to water early in the morning when the air is cooler, so there is less evaporation. The amount of water needed by each grass type is different. Mot grasses need about an inch of rainfall per week.

8. Mowing the Lawn

Mowing is a vital part of lawn care. It helps you eliminate the worn part of the grass and promotes a deeper root system for a better soil environment. Note that not all practices and mowers are created equal, so you need to determine the proper schedule to mow your lawn. It all depends on how fast and how thick your greenery grows.

9. Care! Care! And Care!

Do not forget to give a tender and loving care to your lawn. With this in mind, you can never go wrong.

10. Call An expert

You can choose to hire a local lawn care expert in Coral Springs to help with your lawn maintenance all through the year. Proper timing, treatment, and analysis are important in achieving a green, healthy lawn. Lawn care experts can handle all areas of lawn care using technologically advanced products for your lawn.

Final thought

The presentation of your lawn is important, particularly for individuals living in neighborhoods like in Coral Springs, Florida where residents and households speak of good life and beauty. For a free lawn care analysis in Coral Springs, click here to request an estimate.